Kirk Session
The Kirk Session is a group of men and women who meet regularly to plan the work of our church and to ensure that what we do fits with our plan and our faith.
Each member of the Kirk Session has been chosen because of the qualities they hold and their commitment to God and his church. The members of the Kirk Session (Elders) are ordained to the office of eldership and exercise a spiritual leadership over the parish we serve. In years gone by, the Kirk Session could actually banish people from the parish if they felt that the person had brought disrepute on themselves, the church, or the parish. This discipline is very rarely invoked these days.
The Kirk Session is chaired by our minister. He is known as the moderator of the Kirk Session and helps it in its decision making.
The Kirk Session appoints one of its members to carry out the duties of Session Clerk. This role is currently undertaken by Graham Chapman and the deputy session clerk is Avril Mitchell. The Session Clerk prepares the minutes of the meetings, deals with correspondence and ensure the safe keeping of all official documents. He is also the person to whom it falls to take the Sunday worship if the minister fails to turn up!
The Kirk Session also need to appoint a treasurer to look after the finances of the congregation and to ensure that the congregation complies with the current charity law as enforced by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator. This role is currently undertaken by Anne Gibson, who works in the financial sector.
The Kirk Session has a remit to look after the spiritual and material welfare of the church and parish and includes remits such as finance, property, worship, education, children's and youth work, mission and outreach, pastoral care and communication.
The Kirk Session in Greyfriars Parish Church has devolved repsonsibility for tasks to our new action groups. You can read about them here.