The Mission Action Group is convened by Willie McAlpine. The purpose of the Mission Action Group is to develop outreach and evangelism strategies to the community and to promote Christian action in the world.
Mission is an important part of the life of Greyfriars. It was once said that the church exists by mission as a fire exists by burning (Emil Brunner) and we certainly want that to be the case in Greyfriars. It is the privilege of those who are part of the church family to share the love that God has for them with others.
Without mission we would not be here. The disciples first shared the mission of Jesus to bring God's love to all people ... and so it should in our generation!
The remit for this group includes:
- implementing ways of bringing both new people and 'dormant' church members into active church life in coordination with other Action Groups where necessary, and in partnership with other local churches when appropriate;
- utilising available resources and promoting courses run that will assist in outreach;
- studying what other churches are doing in the way of mission, and sharing what is learnt with the Kirk Session;
- offering a training course to help people share their faith (not Bible-bashing, but living out God's Good News);
- facilitating cooperation between churches ecumenically, promoting understanding of other religions;
- organise, with the Nurture Action Group, the annual Holiday Club for children;
- regular contact with parish, e.g. Christmas & Easter Cards, communications to all homes;
- visitations and communications to new homes and new occupant in existing homes when necessary;
- organising parish visitations;
- developing with Pastoral Action Group a number of 'Bridge' events within the church to which anyone could be invited, particularly the 'unchurched' (e.g., concerts, dances, speakers)